G Valley Time Dictionary – 99

The History of G Valley

The History of G Valley

‘G Valley Time Dictionary – 99’ is a time dictionary that unfolds the wrinkles of memories of accumulated space and time. Through 99 words, memories of the past industrial complex are revealed in the current G Valley, and at the same time, the current G Valley overlaps with the 99 words, creating the endless gap between the past and the present that historian E. H. Carr talks about. It becomes a historical device that can promote dialogue.

This exhibition is a memory of the industrial complex area, which was an important space in the modern industrial history of Korea, and that memory is both the present and the future. Going beyond the existing exhibitions on diachronic themes - reproduction of memory, natural history of events, long narratives - conversations between citizens about the past and future are formed in the exhibition space, and consensus between all generations is again integrated, and social and political , it acts as an opportunity to confirm the cultural and historical basis of existence.

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Hongsung Kim(Art Director)
Minju Kwon(Desginer)
Dere Gum(Designer)
Jinbok Wee(UIA, MP)
Haeyeon Yoo(Soongsil University, Research)
Yohan Ji(Unreal Studio, Photgraphy)
Nils Clauss(Cinematography)

‘G Valley Time Dictionary – 99’ is a new way of communicating between G Valley’s history and modern times and is an interesting mix of text, photography, and video media.

Text that describes dictionary meanings as well as regional and historical meanings, photos that capture meaningful places from the past from a present perspective.
And the video that reproduce past meanings from a new perspective express the 99 words separately and together. Create a new narrative unique to ‘G Valley Time Dictionary – 99’.
ⓒ Nils Clauss
The text, photos, and graphic layouts between the upper and lower exhibition structures engage viewers through a sense of space and rhythm. The photos and text of the upper structure and the 3D printing and line map located in the lower structure talk about the communication of history and modernity through differences in expression methods.